Saturday, August 25, 2007

Things Past

The Things that Were
Nancy Vinci presented to the Police Jury, last Tuesday, a request for the inclusion of the old Jewish Synagogue/Presbyterian church building that is adjacent to the Julius Freyhan High School building in a proposal that would see these two beautiful edifices preserved and emplyed. This was a wonderful example of the various stakeholders being included in the plans for a publicly owned facility. It is so important to remember that the public owns these buildings and that the various governmental entities have control over them. The distinction is significant in reminding the public bodies that they are the gatekeepers or keyholders, but that the public is the owner.

Ms. Vinci included all the current and potential users in the request. The Police Jury agreed to work on a letter of agreement in a responsible way that honors the principles mentioned. This is good news!

Mr. Paul Smith and many others were present at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Hardwood Fire Station. This is one of two stations that will be built in the Parish. These two facilties will be important steps in enhancing our ability and demonstrating that to those that rate us for insurance purposes. We applaud the Commission and Chief Boyett for these efforts.

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