Thursday, August 30, 2007

Katrina Anniversary

Katrina Anniversary
The news has been reminding us of the two year anniversary of Katrina, even if the trial at the Court House wouldn't. But in West Felciana, this is the anniversary of a shining moment! Though many residents were themselves without electricity; and though most residents had house guests of family or friends, they rose to the occasion and left their problems behind to care for the many evacuees that filled the motel and guest houses. Three meals a day were served without the Corp of Engineers or the Red Cross helping. Citizens of this Parish were sent into the city of New Orleans to bring the assistance that they had. Our Corrections personnel worked long hours in gruesome conditions to help; our Sheriff and his officers were in position giving aid and assistance through interdepartmental agreements. Other first responders left while those that stayed brought aid to the evacuees. The Churches were ready with their volunteers and hope was given where none was evident. The 911 Center was manned 24 hours a day with little rest by the Police Jury President and the Fire Chief filling in for our OEP that was himself laid lowed.

In all the devastation, this might have proven to be West Feliciana at it's finest!

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