Monday, August 27, 2007

Other Local Initiatives

Sweat and Blood
The Habitat for Humanity project in Turner subdivision was manned by Magnolia Full Gospel Church and Grace Episcopal Church volunteers, this past Saturday. The two churhes worked together in the heat to build a house for a local resident that qualified. The event was well organized and supported by the skilled and the unskilled. The group included teachers and School Board Superintendants; Police Jurors and retirees. Many hands make light work! Be sure to volunteer when your church's day comes along.

While on the subject of volunteering, a local resident (Terry Osterberger) lost a limb as the result of an accident. Blood was required and needs to be replaced. There was no problem for him to get the blood, because our community participates in the quarterly blood drives. Be sure to participate when the next one comes around!

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