Monday, August 13, 2007

Kudos to local officials

Kudos to the Sherriff's office and all who participated in the 'mock' shooter drill at the school. This kind of operation serves both as preperation and a deterrent. We hope to never see the real thing anywhere near our community!

.While we are giving kudos, State Representative Tom McVea, Juror Billy Shoemake and Parish Manager Ambrose Sims met to discuss the State funding of the Tunica State Park. Some of the money that had originally been dedicated to this project had been re- routed after Katrina. Representative McVea discovered this and met with the local officials. Afterwards they began working together to get this project moving. Sources have told us that this has borne fruit and the project is moving, even though more money will have to be appropriated in a future legislative session. The advantage of having an active Representative that is looking out for our interests and active local government that can interface with them, can't be understated! Kudos to all!

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