Monday, March 24, 2008

Coming soon....

Upcoming Events
Cruising in the Country will be held this upcoming weekend with all of it's family fun and excitement! March 27-29th. This year the event will he held at the St. Francis Hotel on the Lake. Contact Dick Lancaster for more details or view the website.
Another new tradition is the Spring Stroll, this year featuring the gardens of Wyoming, Hillcroft, The Myrtles and Ouida. These beautiful gardens will show a variety of plantings and settings. Enjoy the spectacular beauty of these gardens! Sponsored by the Feliciana Horticultural Society, Ins-and-Outs Nursery, The Myrtles Plantation, Cooperative Extension and your Chamber of Commerce. April 12th from 9 to 1. More information is available
from the West Feliciana Parish Extension Office at 635-3614.

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