Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Forum A HUGE Success

Candidate Forum A HUGE Success Thanks To You!
Governmental Relations Committee
by Chairman Mike Smith
The Chamber hosted the second in a series of Police Jury Candidate Forums on Monday, October 8, at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Over 125 people - including 12 candidates - attended the forum. Candidates answered questions on everything from the parish budget, to roads, to growth.

We thank First Baptist Church for allowing the community to use its first-class facilities. We also thank Bill Depew of Rural Broadcast Service for filming the forum and making footage available for you to view - free of charge - via the Internet if you were not able to join us in person.

Don't forget to vote on Saturday! Also, visit the Candidate Section of our Chamber's website to read the responses to our questionnaire as you make an informed decision.

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