The Voice
of West Feliciana Business
Editor's note: The following is the monthly President's report delivered to the Chamber Board of Directors. It is reprinted here for the benefit our members.
The Chamber continues to make great strides in 2009. For the second month in a row, each of our committees has met to discuss important Chamber business. The committees are truly the backbone of our organization and their work is making a positive impact. At our March Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, March 19 at 4pm at the River Bend Training Center, we will hear reports from each of our five standing committees, review their work, adopt their ideas where requested, and allow the committees to move on towards their goals for this year.
Here are a three of the many items our committees will be asking the Board to take action on:
· A request by the Member Services Committee to join with three other organizations in funding the update and reprinting of a parish map for use by our businesses, citizens and visitors.
· A recommendation by the Governmental Relations Committee that the Board of Directors authorize a resolution requesting the Police Jury take initial steps towards developing a Home Rule Charter for West Feliciana Parish.
· A recommendation by the Governmental Relations Committee that the Board of Directors authorize a resolution requesting the Police Jury to seek official designation as a "Bicycle Friendly Community" by a national cycling organization.
I am very pleased with our current level of membership in the Chamber. With a half-dozen new members in the last week or so, our Chamber stands at 111 members across all categories. Credit goes to our Member Services Committee, our Executive Secretary Linda Osterbeger, and everyone who has helped recruit and retain members.
Between now and the end of May the Chamber expects to conduct 5 ribbon-cuttings at new businesses, 3 ribbon-cuttings at newly remodeled businesses, and 1 ground-breaking for a business to be constructed in 2009. This is terrific news for our community and we are proud to be a part of it.
Your Chamber leadership continues to monitor the important developments at both The Bluffs and the former Tembec mill site. As two of the top three taxpayers in the parish, each of us has a vested interest in both. Despite a tremendous effort by parish officials, it appears the likelihood of the mill re-opening to paper production is gone. Now, we must circle the wagons as a community and help chart a course for this industrial corridor in our parish.
Please remember that our locally owned and operated establishments need your help. The Chamber encourages everyone to give local businesses first shot at their dollars. Take a look at what's offered and you might just be surprised at the selection, price and service you can receive right here at home.
Last week, Linda and I represented our Chamber at a "Celebration of Tourism" at the West Baton Rouge Convention Center in Port Allen. Area Chambers of Commerce along with CVB's and Tourism Commissions from a 7-parish area were in attendance. At the event, it was announced that tourism was responsible for over $1 billion in economic impact last year - just in the 7 parishes represented.
With the Pilgrimage this weekend, it will be a busy time for all of us. Please take a moment to welcome visitors to our parish. Tourism remains one of our most important industries in West Feliciana and we recognize that people have a choice where to visit and spend money. A friendly "hello" and "glad you're here" in our businesses can only help create repeat visitors.
As always, let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
Let's keep Moving Feliciana Forward!
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Smith , President
Latest News
The West Feliciana Parish Relay For Life is scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2009 at the West Feliciana High School. This annual event is the American Cancer Society's signature fund-raising event that brings communities together in hope, celebration and memory.If you or your organization wishes to participate by putting together a "Team" or just volunteer to help, or if you know or are a "Survivor", please call Amy Spillman at 225-721-1742.
The West Feliciana goal is only $30,000.00. Let's go past that amount and help towards saving lives with research, education, advocacy and service.
"Let's Save Some Lives"!
New Chamber Members
Welcome Two NEW Chamber Members!!! The St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce welcomes two "New" members- Elliott Pharmacy and The LA Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living.
Elliott Pharmacy opened its new location in January of 09 in the Spring Creek Shopping Center. They are a full service pharmacy with a gift department along with many other needs for your one stop shopping needs. Pharmacist Clifton Elliott assures his customers will receive that "special" attention. A ribbon cutting for Elliott Pharmacy will be in the very near future. We will keep you informed of the date.
The LA Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living is a non-profit public health organization that works for "Better Living" in Louisiana.
The Chamber welcomes you both to the community!
Annual Audubon BirdFest
BR Uncorked Event
Relocation Packets are now Available
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