Friday, August 29, 2008

SFCC - 08-28-08

Greetings! From the St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce

Batten down the hatches!
Hurricane Gustav is currently forecasted to enter the Gulf of Mexico this weekend as a major hurricane. We are unsure if this storm will impact Louisiana. However, it is not too early for you and your family to form a game plan. Governor Bobby Jindal and the State of Louisiana have created a useful website I encourage you to visit it at You will find tips and ideas for individual emergency plans. Make certain you have an evacuation plan for your family and pets, as well as 3 to 5 days of supplies such as water, non-perishable foods, and batteries in case of emergency. For businesses, please make sure that you have taken adequate precautions to protect your building from wind, driving rain and flooding, where that is an issue. In today's world of technology dependent business, additional measures are needed. Ensure that you have an adequate back-up of all your data stored in a safe place. Electronics should be unplugged to avoid electrical surges if the hurricane is eminent. Finally, Hurricane Katrina and Rita brought many evacuees to our parish, and our citizens, schools and businesses stepped to the plate to help out where needed. Hopefully this will not be the case, but it is never a bad idea to plan for family members or friends who may need a safe place to land for a few days. We will be closely monitoring the situation as the storm progresses, and encourage you to monitor your local media outlets to obtain the most current information on Hurricane Gustav.

Miles Higgins, 2008 Board President

Ooh La La Tanning & Hair Salon Joins Chamber
The Chamber of Commerce welcomes our newest member- Ooh La La Tanning & Hair Salon. The new salon is located at 5223 Commerce Street and owned by Miss Lacy Maxwell. Ooh La La will host a ribbon cutting on September 12th. More to come on this event! Go by and let Lacy and her staff take care of your needs to get ready for the "ball game".

White Linen Night "Big" Success

A special "Congratulations" goes out to the committee of the St. Francisville Main Street that put "White Linen Night" together. It was a huge success! Businesses and those participating suggest another event in the near future. A special "thanks" goes to Laurie Walsh. Very Well Done!!

"Swing for Scholarships" getting ready

The Chamber is planning its "Swing for Scholarships" golf tournament. The event is being planned for November 10,2008 at The Bluffs. Get those clubs ready and your team ready for a good time.

More information coming soon!

Freedom Walk Scheduled

On Saturday, September 6, 2008 a "Freedom Walk" has been scheduled. The Blue Star Mothers of Louisiana #3 are sponsoring the walk. The walk will start at Parker Park at 10am, and go down Ferdinand St. and turns at the courthouse then back to Parker Park. This walk is to remember the lives lost on 9-11-01 and those who responded to the tragedy, honor our veterans, past and present, and renew our commitment to freedom and the values of the United States. Registration fee is $10 per person which includes a T-shirt. Contact Estelita Travis at 225-635-3640 or 225-721-1257 for more information and to sign up.

Constitution Week September 17-23

Constitution Week will be observed September 17-23. This year celebrates the 221st anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution.

On Wednesday, September 17th at 3:00pm, the Alexander Stirling Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution asks that all individuals, churches, schools, governmental and patriotic organizations join in "Bells Across America" by ringing bells with other Americans nationwide to honor the Constitution.

Schedule for Public Hearings for taxes
WF Sheriff Department- Friday, Sept. 5 @ 9am in Sheriff's Board Room
WF Communications District- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 9am at 911 Center
WF School Board- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5pm at School Board office
WF Police Jury- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5:30pm at Courthouse Annex
SF Town- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5:30pm @ Town Hall

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