Fregonese Associates, a planning firm based in Portland, Oregon, is developing a parishwide comprehensive plan for the Police Jury. A series of meetings throughout West Feliciana Parish has been set to provide information and gain citizen support for this comprehensive planning effort currently underway. "This series of meetings will provide residents with an opportunity to discuss concerns such as housing, transportation, growth and development. The plan will provide a road map to help the parish accommodate residents of all ages and incomes," said Parish Planning and Zoning Administrator Nancy Jensen.
Thurs., Nov. 15 5:30 p.m. Lake Rosemound Fire Station 5140 Rosemound Loop/District 6 & eastern portion of District 4
The public is also invited to attend the parishwide workshop on Thursday, November 29 at Hemingbough. Registration for this hands-on workshop will begin at 5:30 p.m. This meeting will allow residents to use maps to chart various future growth alternatives for the parish. The workshop will challenge stakeholders with the task of deciding where new growth should and should not occur within the parish, the general form that new growth should take, and the type of transportation system needed to serve it, as well as highlighting opportunity areas for change.
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