Monday, August 27, 2007


What not to do

The hummingbird migration has not begun, so you can see the birds that have taken up temporary residence here at the feeders on most days. If you watch carefully, you will see a disturbing pattern; namely that there are feeders enough to share, but they spend too much of their time fighting over one or two feeders.

This might be amusing if it didn't parallel some other matters. Too many times our folks who serve spend an inordinate amount of time fighting "turf wars" instead of harvesting the good that is adjacent to that they have their sites on.

Whether we see it in the Habitat project or the Parker Park event, there is plenty for all to work on and get things done! Cooperation allows for this kind of success. Louisiana politics is a kind of sport that is much like watching the humming birds fight over nectar that is abundantly available if they would quit fighting and drink deeply from the supply.

Let's amuse ourselves with the hummingbirds and demand more of the public servants

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