Thursday, August 30, 2007

Public Forum

Your Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce has come up with a new event to serve the Parish! On September 4th, 2007, at the West Felciaina High School Auditorium at 6:00 pm the Chamber will host a forum for local residents to come and hear the candidates that have declared their intent to run for Police Jury. This is the only known opportunity to hear the candidates speak of their vision and hear their solutions to the issues that concern Feliciana residents.

The Forum will provide for questions taken from Chamber member's submittals and questions from the floor. This will be followed by a 'Meet & Greet' where you can speak one on one with the different candidates. The Governmental Relations Committee will moderate the event.

West Felciana is at the nexus of opportunity and direction. The leaders that are chosen will take the Parish into the future and the public has the opportunity to set this for the next four years! Come and inform yourself!

Children of Inmates at Angola get Special Opportunity

One of the sad realities of convicted criminals is that their families have their father or brother or son taken from them. In this way the family of the criminal becomes a victim of the convicted's crime. A special event has been organized by AWANA ministry and the Louisiana DOC. On September 8th, over 500 convict participants will have the opportunity to interact with their children in a way that it is hoped will break the cycle of crime in these families. Space does not permit the full explantion of the program, but more information can be found by contacting Angie Norwood, Executive Managment Officer Public Relations at You can also find out more by contacting Don Beehler at 615.566.0776 /


In addition to the Public Forum, the Chamber has sent a Questionaire to each candidate that will be published on the Chamber WebSite. If you can't come on Tuesday evening, you can read the answers each candidate has tendered. Be sure to check this out on the WebSite.

Katrina Anniversary

Katrina Anniversary
The news has been reminding us of the two year anniversary of Katrina, even if the trial at the Court House wouldn't. But in West Felciana, this is the anniversary of a shining moment! Though many residents were themselves without electricity; and though most residents had house guests of family or friends, they rose to the occasion and left their problems behind to care for the many evacuees that filled the motel and guest houses. Three meals a day were served without the Corp of Engineers or the Red Cross helping. Citizens of this Parish were sent into the city of New Orleans to bring the assistance that they had. Our Corrections personnel worked long hours in gruesome conditions to help; our Sheriff and his officers were in position giving aid and assistance through interdepartmental agreements. Other first responders left while those that stayed brought aid to the evacuees. The Churches were ready with their volunteers and hope was given where none was evident. The 911 Center was manned 24 hours a day with little rest by the Police Jury President and the Fire Chief filling in for our OEP that was himself laid lowed.

In all the devastation, this might have proven to be West Feliciana at it's finest!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Shop Locally

Remember this Labor Day that our local stores and shops are the employment of many of our neighbors. Support your neighbors and community, as well as saving gas by shopping locally. Your schools, roads and governmental services are supported by sales tax that must be collected locally to help pay for what you receive.


What not to do

The hummingbird migration has not begun, so you can see the birds that have taken up temporary residence here at the feeders on most days. If you watch carefully, you will see a disturbing pattern; namely that there are feeders enough to share, but they spend too much of their time fighting over one or two feeders.

This might be amusing if it didn't parallel some other matters. Too many times our folks who serve spend an inordinate amount of time fighting "turf wars" instead of harvesting the good that is adjacent to that they have their sites on.

Whether we see it in the Habitat project or the Parker Park event, there is plenty for all to work on and get things done! Cooperation allows for this kind of success. Louisiana politics is a kind of sport that is much like watching the humming birds fight over nectar that is abundantly available if they would quit fighting and drink deeply from the supply.

Let's amuse ourselves with the hummingbirds and demand more of the public servants

Other Local Initiatives

Sweat and Blood
The Habitat for Humanity project in Turner subdivision was manned by Magnolia Full Gospel Church and Grace Episcopal Church volunteers, this past Saturday. The two churhes worked together in the heat to build a house for a local resident that qualified. The event was well organized and supported by the skilled and the unskilled. The group included teachers and School Board Superintendants; Police Jurors and retirees. Many hands make light work! Be sure to volunteer when your church's day comes along.

While on the subject of volunteering, a local resident (Terry Osterberger) lost a limb as the result of an accident. Blood was required and needs to be replaced. There was no problem for him to get the blood, because our community participates in the quarterly blood drives. Be sure to participate when the next one comes around!

Vibes in the Ville a hit.

Culture and Sub-Culture

If you missed the Festival in Parker Park, you missed passing a good time! Some of the musicians are needing a larger stage on which to perform. Three 'Sirens' were luring passer bys in at one point in the afternoon. The Gospel singers remind us of our heritage and where we are going, while the beautiful notes that came from the dobro remind us of other heritages and times. It could only have been better by having Sunday's weather on Saturday.


It is difficult to imagine what this Labor Day that approaches must be like for those that lost their jobs at Tembec. The importance of the integral relationship between labor and capital is hard to overstate.

As you close the summer out, remember the men and women that bring the goods and services to you, so that you can enjoy the life you have. John Donne said a long time ago, "No man is an island to himself."

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Last Words

Our friends at the First Baptist Church look ripe for a "Grand Opening." This is a good sign of a healthy community! This is a nice looking addition to a major intersection in St. Francisville. Congratulations to all that took part in this and to those who will enjoy it for many years to come!

The addition of this along with the Magnolia Church edifice at Hardwood are promising signs for the wholesome growth of the our Parish!

Things Past

The Things that Were
Nancy Vinci presented to the Police Jury, last Tuesday, a request for the inclusion of the old Jewish Synagogue/Presbyterian church building that is adjacent to the Julius Freyhan High School building in a proposal that would see these two beautiful edifices preserved and emplyed. This was a wonderful example of the various stakeholders being included in the plans for a publicly owned facility. It is so important to remember that the public owns these buildings and that the various governmental entities have control over them. The distinction is significant in reminding the public bodies that they are the gatekeepers or keyholders, but that the public is the owner.

Ms. Vinci included all the current and potential users in the request. The Police Jury agreed to work on a letter of agreement in a responsible way that honors the principles mentioned. This is good news!

Mr. Paul Smith and many others were present at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Hardwood Fire Station. This is one of two stations that will be built in the Parish. These two facilties will be important steps in enhancing our ability and demonstrating that to those that rate us for insurance purposes. We applaud the Commission and Chief Boyett for these efforts.

Other Matters

The campaign signs as well as the realty signs that were in the State right of Way were removed this week. It is important for those that would serve the public to not presume upon them by misusing the public byways. Ours is a beautiful Parish that should be respected! Encourage your candidate to take this seriously!

Upcoming Events

Things you don't want to miss

Congressman Jindal will be present at a meet and greet event at the Myrtles Varnedoe's Carriage Restaurant beginning at 3 pm Thursday. Congressman Jindal sits on some important committees in Congress and you will want to come meet him.

Don't forget the Vibes in the Ville event at Parker Park this weekend! An exciting cultural event that includes music and good things to eat and see! Come and enjoy! Lynn Wood at the Birdman has more details.

Soccer begins at the West Feliciana Sports Park this week. Register your child if interested by calling the Park office. This Park is one of the 'jewels' of West Feliciana. Come and see why.

Friday night football begins on September 21st, in the home stadium. You'll have to travel to see the Saints play earlier! LSU will play on the Thursday before Labor Day.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Vibes in the Ville

"Get on the Good Foot!"

West Feliciana will participate in a statewide cultural event this Saturday in Parker Park from 11a.m. to 10 p.m. Music and a homemade ice cream competition that you can enter will be a part of this first ever event. Come and see what's happening in Parker Park. Parker Park is an alcohol free facility. (Don't get excited, cheapskates. No alcohol!) For more information go to for a complete schedule or call Lynn Wood at the Birdman.

Other Noteworthy Events

We are all missing Sherry, but she's missing West Feliciana. How do we know? She went right into the last storm that hit the Texas coast and now Dean threatens in the Gulf. Keep all of our Texan friends in your prayers.

Larry Brown is the long time Archangel of the Food Bank, here. He and his family are moving to Tennessee and leaving a big hole in that operation. Perhaps this is the chance for you to volunteer and integrate into the life of our community. The Food Bank distributes to the local needs of the needy. Not a group that helps the faceless, elsewhere, they are an important part of aiding those you see around town. Godspeed to Larry and his family and consider what your part might be!

School is back in session and remember to slow down at the bus times and in the school areas. Leave early, so you won't be rushed!

Soccer starts soon as well as other extra curriculars. Scouts and many other programs begin again at this time. Search out your information.

Final thoughts

In light of the closing of Benoit's, Mosaic Gardens, Pimulco, Elm Park Restaurant and others this year, I want you to think about buying locally. Local merchants and trades people are the major collector of sales tax that supports our schools and othe governmental services. These are our neighbors and they are the ones offering us services that we would have to burn expensive gasoline to buy elsewhere. Did you know that statistically, West Feliciana is the wealthiest per capita among our neighbors, but we have the lowest per capita spending! This is a sad statistic but expresses potential for great change. Think before you spend somewhere else!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Website & Meeting

Look & See
The new Chamber Web Site is very user friendly and has links that will be useful for the Parish. Be sure that your business is represented accurately by logging in and submitting your info. The webmaster will review the material and it should be posted within 48-72 hours on week days. Another value from your membership!

The Greater St. Fancisville Chamber of Commerce will have their Board of Directors meeting, this Thursday at 8:00 a.m. The membership is invited to attend. Those attending will be put to work! Chief Boyette has sent a notice that the DARE program will sponsor a speaker at the WFHS auditorium at 7pm on Monday night, August 20th. "Eddie Slowikowski is a national speaker with a powerful message for youth and their parents."

Dreams and Reality

St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
The Meeting of Dreams & Reality
The Communications Committee of your Chamber has assumed the responsibility of informing you that our Chamber Executive Director has moved to Texas with her husband. It is our sad duty to say that you will have to read the Committee's newsletter, rather than Sherry's. We did work together on the newsletter each week, so I hope that the quality doesn't suffer too badly. Sherry Harmon is from Texas and moves back to be with even more of her family. She is a fine example of some of the quality people that have come to West Felciana and have made a huge impact on the community! She exemplified that Texas "Can Do" attitude. Whatever was to be done, she rolled up her sleeves and dove into it. Godspeed in your next role, Sherry!

We are beginning interviews for the Executive Director's position! If you are interested in the prestige and honor and aren't focussed greatly on the remuneration, drop your resume off at the Chamber office in the pocket outside or slide it under the door.

Blood Drive

The Quarterly Blood Drive sponsored by some of the Churches in our area is today! You can find them at the United Methodist Church in the Fellowship Hall. Leave your blood and go home with a tee shirt! What a deal!

Include strong call-to action links to various pages of your website to drive traffic and open up additional possibilities to convert browsers into buyers.

Kudos to local officials

Kudos to the Sherriff's office and all who participated in the 'mock' shooter drill at the school. This kind of operation serves both as preperation and a deterrent. We hope to never see the real thing anywhere near our community!

.While we are giving kudos, State Representative Tom McVea, Juror Billy Shoemake and Parish Manager Ambrose Sims met to discuss the State funding of the Tunica State Park. Some of the money that had originally been dedicated to this project had been re- routed after Katrina. Representative McVea discovered this and met with the local officials. Afterwards they began working together to get this project moving. Sources have told us that this has borne fruit and the project is moving, even though more money will have to be appropriated in a future legislative session. The advantage of having an active Representative that is looking out for our interests and active local government that can interface with them, can't be understated! Kudos to all!