Sunday, April 5, 2009

SFCC 04/03/09

Chamber & Tourism Working Together

First I apologize for the newsletter being late but I wanted our readers to know what happened at the State's Appropriation Committee Meeting yesterday.

The meeting included one of the most important issues that West Feliciana Parish is facing right now that will impact the parish and town. The State is cutting the budget that will cause Rosedown and Oakley to cut their hours to only 2 days a week. This would be catastrophic. These state historic sites bring big dollars to the community and its businesses.

Yesterday a group of interested people from St. Francisville went to the State Capitol for the Appropriation Meeting. The chamber and tourism office gives our readers the following report:

We are encouraged by the Lt. Governor's comments on the values of Rosedown and Oakley Plantations to the overall tourism industry. Mitch Landrieu pointed out to the members of the Appropriation Committee that for every dollar spent on tourism marketing, we see $17 return in tax dollars to the state. He reported that tourism is the second largest industry in our state and said, "it is penny wise but pounds foolish to cut funding to this important industry". "In a time when our economy is hurting and jobs are being lost, we need the tourism industry more than ever". As Executive Director of Tourism in West Feliciana Parish, Kitty Martin reports, right here in West Feliciana Parish, tourism related businesses-attractions, overnight accommodations, restaurants, gift shops, etc.- account for more that 450 jobs. More importantly, these visitors leave behind nearly $550,000 in local taxes which translates into $12 ROI (return on investment) for every dollar spent in our marketing efforts. These are significant numbers that should not be overlooked in our support for tourism.

Thank you Representative Tom McVea for speaking up for the "Trickling Effect on businesses".
Even though being on the Appropriations Board, he supports funding for the two historic sites to remain open.

Right here in the chamber office as well as the tourism office, there are numerous calls received everyday that people want information on what to see and do, where to eat and shop and stay, and most of these people are already attracted to Rosedown and Oakley along with all of the other historical homes and sites our parish has to offer. My conversations with these callers leads to chamber member businesses being recommended and the recommendation to contact our local tourism office. 90% of these calls are tourists and 75% of those are from right here in Louisiana (caller ID helps keep tract). Those people are looking for places here in the state to visit and are interested in spending their dollars here in St. Francisville.

With the Audubon Bridge and the expansion of Highway 61- without tourism and the individual support of our own community, West Feliciana and St. Francisville could be a "drive-by" parish and town.

There will be a "Town Hall" meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 1:00pm at Rosedown. Lt. Governor Mitch Landrieu will be in attendance and hopefully give our community a "good report". Please make every effort to attend and spread the word. It is not too late to personally contact your state officials indicating your support to keep these sites open full time. Our businesses, our children, our future depends on the support of everyone's efforts.

Scholarship Applications are at Schools & Online

The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce has distributed scholarships applications to schools. If you have a student who is a senior and lives in West Feliciana Parish and will be attending a college in the fall of 2009, please have them check with the guidance counselor at school for a scholarship application.

This year the Chamber will present up to 7 scholarships for $500 each to qualifying applicants. The scholarship monies were generated through the chamber's annual "Swing For Scholarships" Golf Tournaments.

If you need any information or an application, please call the office at 225-635-6717 or you may go the chamber website and print the application and return it to the chamber office at Town Hall. The deadline to have the applications into the office is April 24, 2009.

Project Graduation 2009 Needs Volunteers
Can you draw, paint or construct scenery? Do you have some lumber or paint that you don't need? Don't throw it away! Do you just want to help do something for the youth of the parish? Project Graduation 2009 needs volunteers for construction, decorating or any service you can provide to prepare for the event in May. The planning committee meets and works at 2pm at the West Feliciana High School Gym every Sunday. Please take the time to help make this year's event another success! For more information please call

"Paint the Parish Purple" for Relay For Life
Beginning April 1, 2009, Relay for Life asks that everyone "Paints the Parish Purple" by purchasing a purple bow. You may purchase the bows by calling Charmaine Dupree at 225-784-2406 and she will have them delivered to you. The cost for the bows are $8.00 for 1 and $15.00 for 2. They will be sold until May 1, 2009.
Please show your support to fight for a cure for cancer by ordering your purple bow today and let's "Paint the Parish Purple".

Relay For Life in West Feliciana Parish is May 1, 2009
The West Feliciana Parish Relay For Life is scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2009 at the West Feliciana High School. This annual event is the American Cancer Society's signature fund-raising event that brings communities together in hope, celebration and memory.

If you or your organization wishes to participate by putting together a "Team" or just volunteer to help, or if you know or are a "Survivor", please call Amy Spillman at 225-721-1742.

The West Feliciana goal is only $30,000.00. Let's go past that amount and help towards saving lives with research, education, advocacy and service."Let's Save Some Lives"!

Relocation Packets are now Available
If you know of anyone who is moving to St. Francisville, they can call the Chamber office at 635-6717 and request a re-location packet. Information about the parish and parish facilities along with phone numbers they will need and some brochures from Chamber businesses and maps of the town and parish are enclosed in the packets.

Contact Information
Linda Osterberger; Executive Secretary
phone: 635-6717 Join our mailing list!

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