Sunday, February 22, 2009

SFCC 02/19/09

The Voice of West Feliciana Business


Editor's note: The following is the monthly President's report delivered to the Chamber Board of Directors. It is reprinted here for the benefit our members.

2009 is off to a flying start! I want to extend my thanks to every member of each committee of our Chamber. Not only did each committee meet between our January and February board meetings, but each committee tackled important work - much of which our Board of Directors will vote to implement at its February meeting.

The committee structure is important on many levels, not the least of which is the ability to pull chamber members into the decision-making process. Getting this type of "buy-in" from our members will promote interest in our work, cultivate future Chamber leaders, and continue to elevate the Chamber as the "Voice of West Feliciana Business."

Way to go! Let's keep it up in the months to come. If we do, we will move mountains. Here are the areas I have focused on since the first of the year:

· Asking for agenda time at each board and commission meeting in the parish. This is an opportunity to formally introduce each agency to what we do, what we hope to accomplish, and to encourage their involvement in the process. So far, the response has been very positive.

· Working with committee chairs to get our standing committees off to a solid start. Committees are where the "dirty work" of the Chamber gets done. It has been impressive to watch it happen.

· Working with Linda to streamline the Chamber office in terms of computer software usage and training, website maintenance and training, and newsletter writing and software training.

· Preparing our 2009 Chamber budget. Thanks to Luke Williamson's efforts, our books are in solid shape. Now it's time to take it to the next level. Our by-laws call for a budget committee and I intend to ask the board's approval to re-form this committee with an eye towards preparing the 2010 budget.

· Meeting with community leaders and elected officials. I am making it a point to have open lines of communication with each and every leader that's willing to sit down and visit. So far, the response has been excellent and their feedback on Chamber activities positive and productive. I will continue this process throughout the year and report to you as we go along.

· Representing the Chamber on the ad hoc Parish Marketing Committee. This committee meets monthly to discuss ways that our agencies can market the parish in the new digital world.

· Attending the Main Street-sponsored community meeting on sustaining historical communities. This was a great presentation by the state's Main Street director. She gave us solid ideas and tips on how we can maintain the historical character of St. Francisville while growth occurs.

· Represented the Chamber at the Town Hall meetings of both Governor Bobby Jindal and US Senator David Vitter. I had the opportunity to speak with both at length about specific issues facing our community. Both pledged their support to seeing them through.

· Attending our first ribbon cutting of the year. It's always great to welcome new businesses into our community. Let's hope we wear out at least one pair of scissors!

It's been a busy first six weeks and everyone is hard at work. Despite the national economic picture, we're making it a great year here in Louisiana's Hill Country because of our positive attitude, teamwork and dedication to the area we love. Let's keep the ball rolling!

As always, let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

Respectfully submitted,
Michael Smith

"Big Milt" Speaking at WF Auditorium

On February 25, 2009, a powerful, and motivational speaker, Milton Creagh, also known as "Big Milt" will be speaking to West Feliciana Parish School students about problems that students and parents are facing today. Topics especially parents "DON'T WANT TO MISS"! He will be speaking to 5th-9th graders at the WF Auditorium at 9:00am, then with the high schoolers at 10:30 am. He will be back at the Auditorium that evening at 6:30 pm for a FREE to the community program. Don't miss this informative event, especially if you have children!! This event is sponsored by the WF Drug & Alcohol Awareness Council, WF Parish Sheriff's Office, LA Hwy Safety Commission, 20th Judicial DA Office and WF Parish School Board.

A drawing for 2 Round Trip Airline Tickets donated to the WF Drug & Alcohol Awareness Council will be drawn at the evening program. Call 225-784-3107 to purchase tickets or SADD students have them for sale. All proceeds will benefit the WFHS SADD programs.

What Do You Want From This Newsletter?

The Chamber of Commerce wants your opinion. The Chamber Communications Committee has met and discussed numerous ideas on this newsletter. What would make you READ the newsletter each week? Is there some information you or your business needs on a regular basis? What interests you the most to MAKE you read the newsletter? Please share your recommendations and let us know your requests. WE WANT TO KNOW, so take a few minutes right now and reply to this email.

The Chamber encourages everyone to support the businesses in the parish, so please shop locally FIRST! With our failing economy, remember to do your part by shopping locally to keep our parish alive and kicking.

The interest of the members who serve on the various committees of the Chamber have brought new ideas and enthusiasm to the Chamber. The Board of Directors are all open-minded business people who want to hear from you. Again, do your part, please reply to this email. WE WANT TO KNOW!

Did you forget to renew?

Just a reminder that if you have not renewed your Chamber membership for 2009 to send it in TODAY! If you need a new membership invoice, please call the office and let us know at 225-635-6717. You may renew and pay on our website at

St. Francisville Main Street hosting Workshop

Representatives from the LA Office of Historic Preservation, Valerie Gaumont and Alison Saunders, will be presenting a workshop on Commercial and Residential Historic Tax Credits and Main Street Basics on Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 6:00 pm at Town Hall in St. Francisville. Ms. Saunders will be available for site visits with pre-arrangements before and after the workshop. This is a wonderful one on one opportunity to learn about the advantages of historic tax credits. Ms. Gaumont will talk about how Main Street functions. They are always looking for volunteers or people interested in the board functions of Main Street.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a site visit, please call Laurie Walsh, St. Francisville Main Street at 225-635-3873 or email at

Baton Rouge Career Center Job Fair

The Baton Rouge Career Center is have a Veterans and general public combined Job Fair on April 7, 2009.

There will be 70 or more of our regions largest employers participating. These Corporations will be interviewing, collecting resumes and hiring.

The hours are 9:00am until 1:00pm at Crown Plaza Baton Rouge (4728 Constitution Ave.) Baton Rouge, LA.

The first two hours are reserved for Veterans. From 11:00 am until 1:00pm are open to the general public.

For further information, contact Bob Hartman- 225-922-1320 or email at

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