Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 02, 2008 Chamber Newsletter

The Voice of West Feliciana Business


by Miles Higgins Chamber President

Thanks to those that are making our community better

Several weeks ago, I wrote an article commenting on poor signage and lack of enforcement of existing regulations. Additionally, we were encouraging local businesses to take more pride in their place of work by having better landscaping, a cleaner facility, etc. etc. The response was overwhelming in support (although not 100%) of those comments. Now it is time to focus on the positive work that is being done in this area. The town has taken the first steps to bringing local businesses in compliance with their regulations and both the Town Council and the Mayor's office are to be commended for their actions. Some businesses have added landscaping or planters with flowers, and it has made a real difference in their appearance. One example is the Spring Creek Shopping Center that has resurfaced their parking lot and added entrance landscaping to help it blend in with the natural beauty of our parish. Other businesses have mentioned that plans are in the works for improvements to their facility as well. One of the great aspects of our community is that nearly all of us have a great love and appreciation for what our parish has to offer. There are numerous individuals that are working both in the public eye and behind the scenes to improve our town and capitalize on our assets. St. Francisville is at a crossroads and the choices that we will make will determine our future. There are shining examples of communities that have made the difficult but right decisions and are flourishing with managed growth. However, we can all name communities that did not properly plan and tackle their growth and are now paying the price. There is a lot to be learned from both the communities that planned properly and those that fell short. The real estate trends all point towards north of Baton Rouge, and St. Francisville has as much to offer as any town in that area. The Master Planning process that our Parish and Town are going through has the opportunity to give us the formula for success, but it is up to each of us to ensure that the plan is actually implemented.

Stay tuned for more information on communities that planned properly and what we can learn from them.

Chamber Activities

Chamber Committee Meetings Schedule
The Scholarship Committee will meet on Thursday, June 5th at 5:30 at the BSF board room. The Executive Board will meet Tuesday, June 10th at 4:00pm. The Governmental Committee will meet on Wednesday, June 11th at Noon. All committee members are urged to attend these meetings.

A "Thank You" note

Dear Chamber of Commerce Members,
Thank you very much for awarding me one of your scholarships. I cannot tell you how honored I feel, because I know I had wonderful competition. Thank you again for helping me achieve my educational dreams.
Carolyn Mangham - Scholarship recipient

Area Events

Police Jury/Planning & Zonning Commission use "new" Meeting Room

The West Feliciana Parish Police Jury Planning and Zoning committee will meet today,Tuesday, June 3rd at 5pm at the "new" Police Jury Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of the Courthouse Annex on Prosperity Street. All future Police Jury Meetings will also be held at this location. The next Police Jury meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 10th at 5:30pm.

The Day the War Stopped

The Day the War Stopped is a historical re-enactment of a very moving event during the Civil War. Beginning on Friday, June 13th through Sunday, June 15th, many events are planned, including a parade on Saturday on Ferdinand St. here in St. Francisville. It will be a history lesson right here in our town! Visit Visit for more information.

Summer Reading Program

The Summer Reading program at the library has begun.This program is a wonderful way to keep education going during the summer and during the year. Contact Linda Fox at the library for all the details.

Farmer's Market

The West Feliciana Farmer's Market is every Thursday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Located in the 4-H barn on Wilcox Street, come out and support local farmers and gardeners!

"Country Corner"

An Occasional Column Of Homespun Stories
From Life In The Felicianas

by Mike Smith

My newly minted four year-old, Sarah, has officially hit the "why is the sky blue" phase of life. A recent trip to the Feliciana Supermarket caused the following pearl of wisdom to spill forth from her mile-a-minute brain and very cooperative mouth.

"Does this store grow corn in the back?" she asked. No, I replied. "Corn grows on a farm and a truck brings the corn to the store for us to buy." (I over-simplify to avoid the "what is NAFTA" conversation).

Two days later, on our way across the parish, we passed Mr. Joe Daniel's farm - complete with his very own square of good-looking corn stalks. From her car seat, Sarah exclaims with all the purpose and conviction she can muster - "Daddy, there's the farm! That's where all of our corn comes from!"

Then, a moment to pause and reflect produces the "laugh until you cry moment."

"But Daddy," she says. "I don't think that's nearly enough corn for everybody in the world. He needs to make more."

Thank you, Mr. Joe, for producing the world's corn supply. Now if you can just help me to find a four year-old compatible explanation for "what is ethanol" then we'll be in good shape.

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