Monday, April 7, 2008

Greetings! April 7, 2008

Congratulations to Representative Don Cazayoux and Woody Jenkins for their wins in the primary run offs! Both of these are friends to West Feliciana and we look forward to seeing one of them in Washington.

Representative Cazayoux's district includes the western part of this Parish, including the Tunica State Park facility that is being built at this time. Some of the money that was allocated for this was diverted, after Hurricane Katrina, but Representatives McVea, Cazayoux and Edwards, along with Senator Riser are working to get this money completed.

This new park will be world class! If you can imagine Costa Rica or New Zealand class facilities in our Parish, you can see what has been designed. Tree houses in the tree tops connected with suspension bridges that will allow local residents to marvel, as well as tourists drawn from all over! Eco-tourism is one of the fastest growing markets and we have what they want to see! Tourism is something we all benefit from, as it offers us local jobs and businesses that couldn't be sustained on local traffic.

One local business that is leaving, sadly, is Hill Country Sporting. Jeff Wheeler is moving his Home Builder's office to his new location behind the Post Office. But his sporting goods store is leaving the Parish. An outfitter for sportsman who hunt and those who hike, the Park didn't come soon enough. Remember to support your neighbors who pay taxes here. Shop St. Francisville first!

Travis Torrence All State Agency and a new Environmental Services Company will move their offices to Jeff's new building. We welcome the growth and lament the loss.

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