Monday, January 28, 2008

Legislature Coming. . .

Three Sessions Of Legislature Coming, Chamber Lege Lunch Too!

Jindal To Call Two Specials Before Regular Session
Governor Bobby Jindal has indicated that he will call the Louisiana Legislature into special session beginning February 10. Ethics Reform will be the focus of this session. Among the new ethics rules to be considered: prohibiting legislators from accepting free tickets to sporting and cultural events, personal financial disclosure for legislators, and a ban on lobbyist-purchased meals for legislators in excess of a pre-set dollar limit ($50 is being considered).

Jindal plans to call a second special session - perhaps from late February to early March - to address business taxes in the state. Jindal made rolling back certain taxes paid by Louisiana's businesses a centerpiece of his campaign. Leveling the playing field for companies in a global economy is the goal of this tax reform, Jindal says.

Then, the 2008 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature will convene March 31 and continue until June 23. Keep tabs on the legislative calendar through its website.

Your Chamber of Commerce is planning its second annual "Legislative Luncheon" to take place before the regular session begins. This is an opportunity for Chamber members to speaking candidly with our elected leaders and learn about emerging state and local issues. Look for further updates in newsletters to come.

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