Monday, December 17, 2007

BR Loop Progressing

Audubon Bridge, Loop Not To Be Connected
by Mike Smith, Chamber Governmental Relations Committee Chairman
With last week's presentation of updated maps noting possible corridors for the Baton Rouge Loop project, it appears the loop will be built south of West Feliciana Parish. The updated maps were presented at a joint meeting of the loop's Stakeholder, Executive and Advisory Committees which I attended. As this article is written, the updated maps have not been uploaded here. However, I am told this will happen this week.

East Baton Rouge Mayor-President Kip Holden reported the project is currently 6 months ahead of schedule. A land use planner will be hired next month to begin planning how the new loop will interface with its surroundings. A final route is expected to announced by March, after a series of public meetings are held in late February. Click here for a complete calendar of the loop's Implementation Plan.

The $2 million cost of the Implementation Plan is paid for by East Baton Rouge Parish government. However, the entire process is managed by the parish presidents of the 5 surrounding parishes - EBR, Livingston, Ascension, West Baton Rouge and Iberville.

After a route is selected, the Implementation Phase of the project will end and the NEPA Process Phase will begin. This phase, which includes all of the government approvals necessary to begin construction, is expected to last at least 3 years. The current target date to being construction of the BR Loop is 2011.

So how is it that this project is on the "fast track?" One of the most important elements is the addition of new financing opportunities made available by the Legislature in its 2006 session. The Transportation Mobility Trust Fund legislation, coupled with Public-Private Partnership legislation, have allowed for toll revenues to be the driving force in assembling the monies necessary for mega-projects such as the 100+ mile BR Loop.

This kind of innovative thinking avoids having expensive (but much-needed) projects like this one gobble-up sizable chunks of traditional road dollars - leaving nothing for other road improvements across the state.

Your Chamber will continue to keep you updated on this, and other significant projects in our area.

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