Monday, September 24, 2007

September 24, 2007

Our first announcement has to be that we have offered the position of Chamber Director to Mrs. Molly Porter. No doubt you will say that she is over qualified, and we would agree (off the record and after we have negotiated pay, of course.) None the less, she has agreed and we are thrilled to have Molly come on board. An attorney by education and a Chamber Member that still has her shingle out, she has offered her services and we are happy to accept them! She will instantly be drafted to serve on the Communications Committee and you will have less to suffer as a result! Welcome Molly!
Angola Rodeo can mean one thing for sure; company's coming! The largest event in the Parish calendar, goes on each Sunday in October. Get ready to put out the welcome carpet. Of course, you need to plan to get off of La 66 and US 61 before 4:30 pm on Sundays.
Kudos have been given and we add ours to West Feliciana Middle School teacher Whitney Wealdon. She has been recognized as a Louisiana Teacher of the Year.
Congratulations to Ms. Wealdon and the entire School system for this honor!
The country folk of the Parish say that the "snakes are walking" at this time of year. There is increased activity and you are more apt to see them at this time. Take extra precautions as you go about your activities, especially if out in rural areas!

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