Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Tembec is an important corporate citizen of this Parish. Their news of possibly closing the mill is important beyond the 560 + employees and the many contractors that work there. The possible loss of this plant reminds me that when they came to 'town,' there were some that didn't welcome them with open arms. Twenty years or so, later, when the 'Nuke' plant came to town, there were those of us who objected to their arrival. Approximately 85 cents out of every dollar of ad valorem tax collected each year is attributable to these two industrial citizens. How much of the balance of 15% is attributable to houses and businesses built since 30 years ago, is a guess. But I would think it would be substantial.

Whatever Tembec decides to do, I hope that as you ride and enjoy the beauty of our Parish or enjoy any of the government services from our schools to the roads you were riding on, that you think about what that bucolic scene might look like if the land had to bear the load that is borne by those mentioned. My guess is that much of that property would not be able to "pay"it's way and we would see many more small tracts of land, rather than the large timbered ones. My guess is that there would be a greater compelling to allow uses that would detract from the scenery you are accustom to. Isn't it odd that our industries help to keep our Parish 'green.'

We continue to grow and are thankful for the support of the community as we work to make it better! We have so much to be proud of in our Schools, Parks, Water system, Fire District and many other areas. Wouldn't it be great if we didn't have to burn expensive gasoline to buy many of the essential services! Think hard about how much that gasoline costs, when you go to the grocery store in Zachary or any of a dozen other things that you can do in town with a local merchant. Chances are that you will be richer for having shopped locally, as well as supporting the local merchants that support our community activities.

There is an "event meeting," Monday at 2 pm. Laurie Walsh's committee is attempting to gather many of those that host events in the Parish, so these can be published and coordinated. This calendar will be available through the Chamber and given to all participating parties. Rodeos, car shows, bird shows, art exhibits, parades and come what may should show up and stake out their weekends! Monday at the Town Hall.

I am pleased to see progress on the River Front projects, down at old Bayou Sara. The loss of the ferry will be mitigated by what might happen down there. Restaurants, marinas,(can you imagine a yacht club?) parks, museums and who knows what. The Tourist Commission's very own Kitty Martin has picked up the baton and is leading the task force! Watch for more on this important development!

Thanks! Hamilton Willis

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