Tuesday, July 29, 2008
SFCC -NEWS LETTER July 29, 2008
That "special" day is soon approaching. School is getting ready to start. The school supply lists are out and the school uniforms are being purchased. By this time the students are usually ready because they are bored and the parents are certainly ready, so everyone can get back on a schedule. Those big yellow buses are even getting ready and the drivers have to get back into the routine. It's quite a responsibility to make sure all of the children get to school and back home safely without any problems. The office staff of each school starts early to make sure everything is in order for the first day of total chaos! What always amazed me was that they remember every student by name and some by voice. They too are such a wonderful part of the system that needs to be appreciated.
Of course there are those important people who teach the children- TEACHERS. These people have had only a few months off to get ready for another 9 months, some of which worked this summer. I for one, who no longer has children in school, can truly appreciate all those who work at the school from the office staff, groundkeepers, cafeteria staff, librarians teachers aids, teachers and the principals.
When it is all said and done and they graduate and choose to continue their education or even go to work to make an honest living, I hope they will understand what these "special" people do for the community and the children. Please say "thanks" when you see all of these people. They work really hard to mold our children into good citizens and give them the best education possible and should be admired for their love and commitment. Thanks to all of you!
The West Feliciana Parish Schools will open as follows:
Bains Lower Elementary- Pre-K- August 26
Kindergarten- August 21
1st Grade- August 14
Bains Upper Elementary- August 14
West Feliciana Middle School- August 14
West Feliciana High School- August 14
Tunica Elementary- Pre-K- August 26
Kindergarten- August 21
1st-6th Grade- August 14
"Swing for Scholarships" getting ready
The Chamber is planning its "Swing for Scholarships" golf tournament. The event is being planned for November 10,2008 at The Bluffs. Get those clubs ready and your team ready for a good time.
More information coming soon!
Welcome New Chamber Member
The Chamber welcomes Louisiana Timed Managers in Baton Rouge. The business specializes in engineering consulting. Mr. Troy Gros is the Communications Assistant Manager and is overseeing the John James Audubon Bridge Project here in West Feliciana. We welcome this new business to the community.
Schedule for Public Hearings for taxes
WF Sheriff Department- Friday, Sept. 5 @ 9am in Sheriff's Board Room
WF Communications District- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 9am at 911 Center
WF School Board- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5pm at School Board office
WF Police Jury- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5:30pm at Courthouse Annex
SF Town- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5:30pm @ Town Hall
** The WF Tax Assessor and the Fire District will not have a public hearing.
"White Linen Night"
St. Francisville Main Street Merchants have teamed up to present "White Linen Night" on Saturday, August 23rd at 6pm featuring its unique shops, sensational food and lively music throughout downtown St. Francisville. The Highlands Bank Trolley will provide transportation along the "White Linen Route" with stops at designated spots near convenient parking.
Participating merchants will play host to various artists and musicians while samples from local restaurants can be tasted along the way. Trolley stops will be conveniently located near parking areas and will be posted with easily identified signage. Maps naming participating businesses and other conveniences will also be available.
Stroll along our Main Street or hop aboard the trolley but be sure to enjoy our local hospitality. For more information phone St. Francisville Main Street at 225-635-3873.
Relocation Packets are now Available
If you know of anyone who is moving to St. Francisville, they can call the Chamber office at 635-6717 and request a re-location packet. Information about the parish and parish facilities along with phone numbers they will need and some brochures from Chamber businesses and maps of the town and parish are enclosed in the packets.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
SFCC Newsletter 07/22/08
It is all about Attitude
The saying "perception is reality" often comes to fruition. With all the talk of "RECESSION" the more we buy into the hype, the more likely it will happen. Now, I'm not suggesting anyone act recklessly or without the proper caution in making decisions regarding your business or personal life. Take a good look around and see if you honestly feel this looks like a recession. Are people still spending, traveling and making a good living? Are there developments and projects in the works? Are you personally better off then you were 5, 10 or 15 years ago? My guess is that the vast majority would not trade today for yesterday. A few years ago, a fortune 500 article found that 94% of all executives surveyed attributed their success more to attitude than any other factor.
The national economy is really out of all of our hands and is certainly on a macro economic scale. Our regional and local economy, as well as, our personal situation are the real factors to consider, and our region's numbers are well ahead of the rest of the country.
Your attitude affects not only your ability to succeed but, even more importantly, your health and happiness. Here are a few tips to help stimulate the growth of your business...and your attitude. 1) Write a list of positive things in your business and update it daily. You just might be surprised how many good things are happening. 2) Reward your employees for providing exemplary customer service. 3) Review your advertising. In a tighter economy sometimes more marketing is needed. 4) Stay POSITIVE. Being positive is contagious and others will catch it. Finally, here is a great quote by Abraham Lincoln, "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing."
Miles Higgins
www.relocationcenter.com tel:
mobile: 800.733.0930
"Swing for Scholarships" getting ready
The Chamber is planning its "Swing for Scholarships" golf tournament. The event is being planned for November 2008 at The Bluffs. More information will be published next week. Get those clubs ready!
The Chamber welcomes Audubon Package Liquor and Lounge to our membership. The business is located at 6831 US Hwy 61, St. Francisville, LA.
Schedule for Public Hearings for taxesWF Sheriff Department- Friday, Sept. 5 @ 9am in Sheriff's Board Room
WF Communications District- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 9am at 911 Center
WF School Board- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5pm at School Board office
WF Police Jury- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5:30pm at Courthouse Annex
SF Town- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5:30pm @ Town Hall
** The WF Tax Assessor and the Fire District will not have a public hearing.
Annual Hummingbird Celebration
The annual Hummingbird Celebration is scheduled for this weekend July 25th and 26th. The celebration begins with a wine and cheese reception and guest speaker, Donna Dittman, at Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site. The Friday event is $10 per person. For more information about the weekend event, visit the website at audubonbirdfest.com and click on FHC Event Schedule in the right hand corner.
Relocation Packets are now Available
If you know of anyone who is moving to St. Francisville, they can call the Chamber office at 635-6717 and request a re-location packet. Information about the parish and parish facilities along with phone numbers they will need and some brochures from Chamber businesses and maps of the town and parish are enclosed in the packets.
Contact Information
Linda Osterberger; Executive Secretary
phone: 635-6717
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
SFCC - July 15, 2008
The Voice of West Feliciana Business
In keeping with last week's newsletter about the proposed "roll forward" of property tax rates in West Feliciana Parish, the polling responses showed unfavorable comments of the "roll forward". The consensus was to opposed the tax increase. The chamber appreciates everyone who participated and responded to such an important issue that affects the entire parish. We have listed the parish and town agencies that have published notice of public hearings to consider levying additional or increased millage rates required by law. This is an important issue for our parish, so we hope that you take every initiative to attend one of the hearings. If you are unable to attend any of the meetings, we encourage you to contact your elected officials of the Police Jury, Town Alderman, or School Board member and express your opinion on this issue.
Welcome New Chamber Members
The Chamber welcomes three new businesses. The Costal Ecology Group owned by Mr. Chad Heiser, Superior Insurance Services LLC owned by Mrs. Sandy Torrence and Miss Ashley Torrence, and Mr. Andy D'Aquilla, attorney at law. These three businesses are all located at 10182 Weevil Street next to the Post Office at the Commerce Centre.
Commerce Centre hosts Chamber "After Hours" Ribbon Cutting
J.A. Wheeler & Associates, Andy D'Aquilla Attorney-at-Law, Coastal Ecology Group, Travis Torrence Allstate Insurance Agency and Superior Insurance Services, LLC will host the Chamber's "After Hours" event this Thursday, July 17,2008 at 5:30pm. These Chamber members are all located at the new Commerce Centre at 10182 Weevil Street, St. Francisville, LA, across from the post office.
The Upper Crust Bistro Moving Business
Chamber member, The Upper Crust Bistro, is relocating its business to Lake Pointe Centre in Zachary, LA. The newly constructed building for the business will open in early fall. Owner Camille Thibodeaux will keep us informed on the opening date. The Thibodeaux family wishes to thank all of their patrons and expressed their appreciation and patronage to the business while here in St. Francisville and will look forward to seeing you at their new location.
Schedule of Public Hearings for Taxes
Schedule for Public Hearings for taxes
WF Sheriff Department- Friday, Sept. 5 @ 9am in Sheriff's Board Room
WF Communications District- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 9am at 911 Center
WF School Board- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5pm at School Board office
WF Police Jury- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5:30pm at Courthouse Annex
SF Town- Tuesday, Sept. 9 @ 5:30pm @ Town Hall
** The WF Tax Assessor and the Fire District will not have a public hearing.
Chamber Sponsors "Sporting Clay Shoot"
Sporting Clay Shoot scheduled for August 16
The chamber is sponsoring a "Sporting Clay Shoot" on Saturday, August 16, 2008 at Tanglewild Plantation. Registrations for teams are now available. Phone the chamber office at 635-6717 for more information. More information will be posted next week. Deadline for entries is August 9th.
Annual Feliciana Hummingbird Celebration
Mark your calendars now for the annual Feliciana Hummingbird Celebration. The festival is scheduled for July 25th and 26th. A guest speaker has been scheduled for Friday night and Saturday. During the festival there will be an opportunity to watch small hummingbirds weighed, measured and banded.
Think Green Nature Day
Audubon State Historic Site is hosting "nature day". On Saturday, July 19th from 10am until 4pm, guests are invited to view booths from organic foods to energy sources. Learn what is going on in our area to protect the environment and how you can help. For more information, call 635-3739.
Congratulations Miguel Pate
West Feliciana High School graduate goes to Olympics
The chamber congratulates West Feliciana High School graduate, Miguel Pate on his recent qualifying for the Olympics in Beijing. Miguel placed 3rd in the long jump in Eugene, Oregon at the Olympic Trials.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
SFCC - Newsletter July 8, 2008
Response has been strong regarding the two questions recently posed to Chamber members through this weekly newsletter. As you recall, your Chamber invited feedback on two questions, the first of which was: "How can your Chamber serve you better?"
One member suggested the Chamber host quarterly member luncheons or dinners, in addition to the regular "After Hours" networking events. Another member suggested a member "spreadsheet" picnic - so area businesses might introduce products and services to a broad range of potential customers. Both are solid ideas that will be explored.
The second question posed was "How do you feel about the proposed 'roll forward' of property tax rates in West Feliciana Parish? Do you agree or disagree with it?"
On this question we received the highest number of responses to any question ever asked of members. Without fail, every response disagreed with the "roll forward." Here is a sampling of the responses we received:
"In view of the fact that total taxes have increased so much in one year (one of my properties went up over 5 times from last year), I definitely don't think taxes should roll forward anytime soon."
"Let's keep taxes at a minimum here.....heavy taxes are a burden we don't need here."
"For the record, I am opposed to the roll forward. It is a tax increase on the people and our small businesses without a vote of the people - and that's not right."
Your Chamber Commerce is working hard to promote a people-friendly, business-friendly environment here in West Feliciana Parish. Fair, equitable and transparent taxation only helps the promotion of our area as one of the most desirable locations to live, work and play in the South.
We'll keep asking the tough questions, listening to your ideas, and welcoming your input on how we can improve in every way.
Keep those comments coming!
With best regards,
Mike Smith, Chairman
Communications Committee
The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce
P.S. - Did you notice that work has actually begun on the "new" section of Hwy. 61? The countdown is on - less than 700 days until we can drive on it!
Police Jury Meeting
The West Feliciana Police Jury will meet on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 5:30 at the Courthouse Annex building on Prosperity Street on the second floor.
Multiple Newsletters?