Monday, June 30, 2008

SFCC Newsletter June 30, 2008

SFCC Greetings
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

With these memorable words, Thomas Jefferson, at the age of 33, laid the cornerstone of the United States of America by writing the Declaration of Independence.

There were fifty-six men who were signatories to the famous document. Signed on August 2, 1776, in geographic order of the colonies they represented from North to South, these men declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain with Thomas McKean being the last to sign in August of 1781.

The holiday was first observed in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776, at which time the Declaration of Independence was read aloud, city bells rang, and bands played.

Fifty years later, in an 1825 letter, Jefferson wrote that the Declaration of Independence was designed as "an appeal to the tribunal of the world." The document was "intended to be an expression of the American mind."

This weekend, as we celebrate the Fourth of July, with fireworks, or a gathering of family and friends, remember what this day is all about. Don't forget those brave men and women that have fought and died so that we might have the freedom to speak up when things are not as they should be and the freedom to worship in churches of our choice. When you hear "God Bless America" or say "I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag," stand up and be proud to be an American!

Chamber Office Closed June 30- July 4
The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce office will be closed from June 30 through July 4th. The office hours will resume on Monday, July 7th. In case of immediate assistance, please call Laurie at 635-3873.

"After Hours" at new Commerce Centre
Commerce Cenre hosts Chamber "After Hours" Ribbon CuttingJ.A. Wheeler & Associates, Andy D'Aquilla Attorney-at-Law, Coastal Ecology Group, Travis Torrence Allstate Insurance Agency and Superior Insurance Services, LLC will host the Chamber's "After Hours" event on Thursday, July 17,2008 at 5:30pm. These Chamber members are all located at the new Commerce Centre at 10182 Weevil Street, St. Francisville, LA, across from the post office. Mark your calendars now to attend this special ribbon cutting and social event.

Feliciana Hummingbird Celebration
Mark your calendars now for the annual Hummingbird Festival. The festival is scheduled for July 25th and 26th. Festival information can be found at

Fireworks on the 4th!!!
Come join the fun and fireworks on Friday July 4th at 6:30pm at the St. Francisville Town Ball Park located behind the Sonic. The American Legion will provide complimentary hot dogs and soft drinks, and the fireworks will begin at dark. For more information call Laurie Walsh, St. Francisville Main Street at 635-3873.

Multiple Newsletters?

Are you receiving multiple Chamber newsletters? Please let us know. We are updating the subscribers lists. If you would call the office or email us we will correct the problem. We appreciate your help.

"Ferry Status" Link

The Ferry Status link added
A link for the "ferry status" has been added to the chambers website. Before driving around on a trip or business you can go to the chambers website at and find out if the ferry is operating. Just another way to help save on gas!!

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

SFCC Newsletter June 24, 2008

Greetings! 06-24-08

Last week, Parish Assessor Randy Ritchie gave a very informative presentation to your Chamber's Board of Directors on the subject of property assessments across the parish. As you know, most property in the parish is subject to taxation based on its value. Randy explained that property values, by state law, must be re-evaluated at least every four years. 2008 is one of those years-a fact that has not escaped notice by many in the parish.

As we learned from Randy's presentation, there are two important things to keep in mind when reviewing your property tax bill. The first is the valuation of your home and/or business. Market rates are taken into account when determining the value of property, he said. Generally speaking, Randy indicated that property values are on the rise in West Feliciana Parish. Due to this rise in values, property taxes have increased for most in the parish. Randy emphasized that if you feel the valuation of your property is not fair, call the Assessor's Office for assistance.

The next most important thing to keep in mind is the rate of taxation. The rate (or millage) of each property tax is set when voters approve taxes at the polls. However, as Randy explained, a little known provision allows local and parish government bodies to increase the actual millage by a vote of that body. Here's how it works:

State law mandates, as property values rise, each entity must "roll back" the rate of taxation to be revenue neutral from the previous year. When this is completed, as Randy explained, the taxing body may then vote to "roll forward" the millage to the original rate. If passed, the result is an increase in the amount of tax dollars flowing to that government body- and an increase in your tax bill.

Due to recent adjustments in the law, each government body that levies a property tax must now prominently advertise the date, place and time that it will consider the "roll forward" provision. You may have seen a few of these in The Advocate and other publications of late.

In keeping with our ongoing theme this summer, your Chamber wants to hear from you on this, and many other topics.

This week's question is:
How do you feel about the possible "roll forward" of property tax rates in West Feliciana Parish? Do you agree or disagree with it?

Simply reply to this email and let your voice be heard.

Our thanks goes to Assessor Randy Ritchie for his presentation and for answering many tough questions from the board and visitors alike.

Mike Smith, Chairman
Governmental Relations Committee
The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce


New Business opens with "Summer Patio Social"

Miles Blair Salon opens with a "Summer Patio Social"
The chamber welcomes Miles Blair Salon as a new member. Owner Mrs. Tosha Black will be hosting a "Summer Patio Social" for the new business's ribbon cutting on Thursday, July 10th at 6pm. The business is located at 5951 Commerce Street.


After Hours - Ribbon Cutting

Commerce Cenre hosts Chamber "After Hours" Ribbon Cutting
J.A. Wheeler & Associates, Andy D'Aquilla Attorney-at-Law, Coastal Ecology Group, Travis Torrence Allstate Insurance Agency and Superior Insurance Services, LLC will host the Chamber's "After Hours" event on Thursday, July 17,2008 at 5:30pm. These Chamber members are all located at the new Commerce Centre at 10182 Weevil Street, St. Francisville, LA, across from the post office. Mark your calendars now to attend this special ribbon cutting and social event.


Summer Reading Program

The Summer Reading program at the library has begun. This program is a wonderful way to keep education going during the summer and during the year. Contact Linda Fox at the library for all the details.


Vibes In The Ville

Come join a free concert under the stars at Parker Park this Saturday, June 28th at 6pm. The perky alt-pop Austin outfit "The Driving Captain" will be playing. Bring your blankets and chairs for this fun time in downtown St. Francisville.


Summer Fun Day

Summer Fun Day will be held on Friday, June 27th from 9am til 2pm at the West Feliciana Sports Park. This event is sponsored by the West Feliciana Parish Sheriff's Office, West Feliciana Drug & Alcohol Awareness Council, the District Attorney's Office, LA Hwy Safety Commission and West Feliciana Sports & Recreations.

There will be live bands and entertainment, special guests throughout the day, games, free food, demonstrations from the fire department and the K-9 and narcotics department and much more. This event is open to the public.


Congratulations Chamber Board Member Mike Smith

Appointed To Committee/Appears In National Press Conference
The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce board member, Mike Smith, President/CEO of, has been appointed to the National Communications Committee of the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC). The AAPC is a national trade organization representing hundreds of political and public affairs consulting firms across the country.

Mike also recently appeared in a national press conference on behalf of the First Amendment Legal Defense Fund. was recently awarded its 7th "Pollie Award" for outstanding work on national, regional and local campaigns. Pollie Awards, the equivalent of an Oscar, are awarded annually to firms and individuals for outstanding work in political and public affairs.

Congratulations to Mike and Chamber member!

------------------------------ End Newsletter --------------

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

SFCC - Newsletter June 18, 2008


June 17, 2008
Mike Smith

Your Chamber of Commerce is working hard in many ways to help businesses across West Feliciana Parish. From the LSU Mobile Classroom, to the online Market Place, to networking opportunities at



Open Invitation from Chamber

Tax Assessor's Assessment Presentation

Tax Assessor, Randy Ritchie, will present the property re-assessment process at the Chamber Board Meeting this Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 8am at Town Hall. The chamber invites any interested persons to attend this presentation.

New Business Joins Chamber

Welcome "TigerBytes"

TigerBytes IT Solutions, LLC is the chambers newest member. It is owned by Miles Higgins and Andre Duplantier. The company provides computer and network services for small to medium businesses and staffs a Microsoft Certified System Engineer for all your needs.


St. Francisville Transitory Theatre

The St. Francisville Transitory Theatre is hosting a fund-raiser. There is limited seating so reservations are required. Call 245-4952 for more information.

WFP Comprehensive Plan

John Fregonese with Fregoese Associates will be presenting the draft of West Feliciana Parish Comprehensive Plan with a joint meeting of the West Feliciana Parish Police Jury and Planning Commission on Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 6pm at the West Feliciana Middle School lunchroom. This is a public meeting. For more information call Janet Tharp at 214-354-5523.


Multiple Newsletters?
Linda Osterberger

Are you receiving multiple Chamber newsletters? Please let us know. We are updating the subscribers lists. If you would call the office orThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it we will correct the problem. We appreciate your help.


A Thank You Note

Thank you so much for choosing me as one of the recipients of your scholarship. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. I know that this scholarship will be very beneficial next year at LSU.

Thanks again.

Katie Young

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Newletter June 10, 2008

The Voice of West Feliciana Business

Greetings - June 10, 2008

Summer is here and the chamber office is busy. There is so much going on in the community- bridges, highway expansion, businesses inquiring about developments, not to mention structural changes on Highway 61 and new businesses opening. The calls to the chamber office are numerous with a broad variety of questions about West Feliciana and St.Francisville. With the high gas prices, the calls for information from travelers that are planning a visit for vacations, along with people who will be staying here while working on the bridge or the highway expansion are high in volume.

Businesses who are members of the chamber are referred to daily. The membership lists are kept close at hand so information is readily available for each call. People who are moving to the area inquire frequently and they seem to like the personal touch of being able to speak to someone about what businesses have to offer. The chamber website is regularly advised for information. This benefits businesses who advertise in the "business directory".
The chamber's board consists of people in various businesses that work diligently to make the chamber a resource of information for businesses and individuals. These individuals give their time and business experience so the community and economic growth can continue. These are great people to work with and always have the community as a priority.
Happy Father's Day to all dads! If you are looking for something to do this weekend, St. Francisville has it! So stay at home, save your gas, and give dad a relaxing weekend.

---Chamber Activities---

Chamber Committee Meetings Schedule

The Executive Board will meet Thursday, June 12th at 8:15am. The Governmental Committee will meet on Wednesday, June 11th at Noon. All committee members are urged to attend these meetings.

---"New Look" for Chamber Website---

Chamber Website

The chambers website has a "new look". Pat Walsh with Blue Goose Media has updated the site. The newsletter can now be seen on the homepage where you can click on the icon to read the complete article. Go to to see this attractive website!

---Area Events---

Police Jury's "new" Meeting Room

The West Feliciana Parish Police Jury will meet on,Tuesday, June 10th at 5:30pm at the "new" Police Jury Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of the Courthouse Annex on Prosperity Street.

The Day the War Stopped

The Day the War Stopped is a historical re-enactment of a very moving event during the Civil War. Beginning on Friday, June 13th through Sunday, June 15th, many events are planned, including a parade on Saturday on Ferdinand St. here in St. Francisville. It will be a history lesson right here in our town! Visit for more information.

Farmer's Market

The West Feliciana Farmer's Market is every Thursday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Located in the 4-H barn on Wilcox Street, come out and support local farmers and gardeners!

---"Let Us Know"---

Multiple Newsletters?

Are you receiving multiple Chamber newsletters? Please let us know. We are updating the subscribers lists. If you would call the office or email us at we will correct the problem. We appreciate your help.

Contact Information
Linda Osterberger; Executive Secretary
phone: 635-6717

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 02, 2008 Chamber Newsletter

The Voice of West Feliciana Business


by Miles Higgins Chamber President

Thanks to those that are making our community better

Several weeks ago, I wrote an article commenting on poor signage and lack of enforcement of existing regulations. Additionally, we were encouraging local businesses to take more pride in their place of work by having better landscaping, a cleaner facility, etc. etc. The response was overwhelming in support (although not 100%) of those comments. Now it is time to focus on the positive work that is being done in this area. The town has taken the first steps to bringing local businesses in compliance with their regulations and both the Town Council and the Mayor's office are to be commended for their actions. Some businesses have added landscaping or planters with flowers, and it has made a real difference in their appearance. One example is the Spring Creek Shopping Center that has resurfaced their parking lot and added entrance landscaping to help it blend in with the natural beauty of our parish. Other businesses have mentioned that plans are in the works for improvements to their facility as well. One of the great aspects of our community is that nearly all of us have a great love and appreciation for what our parish has to offer. There are numerous individuals that are working both in the public eye and behind the scenes to improve our town and capitalize on our assets. St. Francisville is at a crossroads and the choices that we will make will determine our future. There are shining examples of communities that have made the difficult but right decisions and are flourishing with managed growth. However, we can all name communities that did not properly plan and tackle their growth and are now paying the price. There is a lot to be learned from both the communities that planned properly and those that fell short. The real estate trends all point towards north of Baton Rouge, and St. Francisville has as much to offer as any town in that area. The Master Planning process that our Parish and Town are going through has the opportunity to give us the formula for success, but it is up to each of us to ensure that the plan is actually implemented.

Stay tuned for more information on communities that planned properly and what we can learn from them.

Chamber Activities

Chamber Committee Meetings Schedule
The Scholarship Committee will meet on Thursday, June 5th at 5:30 at the BSF board room. The Executive Board will meet Tuesday, June 10th at 4:00pm. The Governmental Committee will meet on Wednesday, June 11th at Noon. All committee members are urged to attend these meetings.

A "Thank You" note

Dear Chamber of Commerce Members,
Thank you very much for awarding me one of your scholarships. I cannot tell you how honored I feel, because I know I had wonderful competition. Thank you again for helping me achieve my educational dreams.
Carolyn Mangham - Scholarship recipient

Area Events

Police Jury/Planning & Zonning Commission use "new" Meeting Room

The West Feliciana Parish Police Jury Planning and Zoning committee will meet today,Tuesday, June 3rd at 5pm at the "new" Police Jury Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of the Courthouse Annex on Prosperity Street. All future Police Jury Meetings will also be held at this location. The next Police Jury meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 10th at 5:30pm.

The Day the War Stopped

The Day the War Stopped is a historical re-enactment of a very moving event during the Civil War. Beginning on Friday, June 13th through Sunday, June 15th, many events are planned, including a parade on Saturday on Ferdinand St. here in St. Francisville. It will be a history lesson right here in our town! Visit Visit for more information.

Summer Reading Program

The Summer Reading program at the library has begun.This program is a wonderful way to keep education going during the summer and during the year. Contact Linda Fox at the library for all the details.

Farmer's Market

The West Feliciana Farmer's Market is every Thursday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Located in the 4-H barn on Wilcox Street, come out and support local farmers and gardeners!

"Country Corner"

An Occasional Column Of Homespun Stories
From Life In The Felicianas

by Mike Smith

My newly minted four year-old, Sarah, has officially hit the "why is the sky blue" phase of life. A recent trip to the Feliciana Supermarket caused the following pearl of wisdom to spill forth from her mile-a-minute brain and very cooperative mouth.

"Does this store grow corn in the back?" she asked. No, I replied. "Corn grows on a farm and a truck brings the corn to the store for us to buy." (I over-simplify to avoid the "what is NAFTA" conversation).

Two days later, on our way across the parish, we passed Mr. Joe Daniel's farm - complete with his very own square of good-looking corn stalks. From her car seat, Sarah exclaims with all the purpose and conviction she can muster - "Daddy, there's the farm! That's where all of our corn comes from!"

Then, a moment to pause and reflect produces the "laugh until you cry moment."

"But Daddy," she says. "I don't think that's nearly enough corn for everybody in the world. He needs to make more."

Thank you, Mr. Joe, for producing the world's corn supply. Now if you can just help me to find a four year-old compatible explanation for "what is ethanol" then we'll be in good shape.