Monday, March 24, 2008

RBS Local Programing

Channel 20 has RBS/ local programming!
Denise Paul of RBS writes to remind us that local cable is running local programming! Tune in and see local events and governmental meetings in the comfort of your home. Why get out in inclimate weather to watch and listen to Walter Oliveau, when you can do the same in your own living room.
Sports events that have their "glory" moments and public meetings that have your government at work are available. Local businesses can advertise to our market.
Tune in and check it out!

BirdFest April 3-6

7th Annual Audubon Country BirdFest

This birding event has continued to grow in popularity, and this year will take place on the weekend of April 4 - 6. Field trips will feature our most popular sites - Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge and wildlife artist Murrell Butler's Oakhill Plantation in addition to four outstanding private properties - Beechwood Plantation, Hollywood Plantation, Woodhill Farm, and Wyoming Plantation.

The Angola Rodeo has one Spring event. Put April 19th and 20th on your calendar! The "Wildest Show in the South" will once again thrill and excite you! More on this as it approaches.

Coming soon....

Upcoming Events
Cruising in the Country will be held this upcoming weekend with all of it's family fun and excitement! March 27-29th. This year the event will he held at the St. Francis Hotel on the Lake. Contact Dick Lancaster for more details or view the website.
Another new tradition is the Spring Stroll, this year featuring the gardens of Wyoming, Hillcroft, The Myrtles and Ouida. These beautiful gardens will show a variety of plantings and settings. Enjoy the spectacular beauty of these gardens! Sponsored by the Feliciana Horticultural Society, Ins-and-Outs Nursery, The Myrtles Plantation, Cooperative Extension and your Chamber of Commerce. April 12th from 9 to 1. More information is available
from the West Feliciana Parish Extension Office at 635-3614.

Scholarship Available

Chamber Scholarship Applications Available
It is time for graduating seniors to apply for the Chamber's scholarship awards. West Feliciana residents graduating high school may apply for one of the scholarships granted each year. Applications will be available at the Chamber office and on line at our website. Deadline details will be forth coming. Applications are available through the guidance counselors, as well.
This is a long time tradition of the Chamber and is supported by your involvement in our annual "Swing for Scholarship" golf tournament. Thanks to you, we can offer this to them!

Greetings March 24, 2008

A recent storm took a tree down this week in front of the Oaks Plantation, near Hardwood. Town Police, Sheriff's units, EMS and volunteer firemen came to make safe the road until DEMCO could rehang the wires. My detour took me around the Bains Road and back to town on La 10, where I found Deputy Archie Lee and others working another tree down, near Rosedown. They were not only directing traffic, but winching the tree out of the road, themselves!
Our community takes a lot of effort to make it nice, and I am thankful to all of these public servants! I especially am thankful for the volunteer firemen! They are on call at no pay, for our benefit! Encourage any interested to contact Chief Boyette or Chief Robinson to volunteer for this important service!

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Voice Of West Feliciana Business


The end of this week was met with news few expected - the bridge on Hwy. 61 is open! Just 23 days after the span was closed, a new section is in place re-opening the main artery through West Feliciana Parish.

There are many thank you's to go around so let's get started:

Ambrose Sims - our parish manager went to bat for us on day one, helping to turn an initial 8-10 month repair estimate by DOTD into a 3 week job.

Sheriff Austin Daniel - had deputies assisting motorists following the detours around the clock, enforcing the speed zones and keeping the peace while being stretched thin.

The Police Jury - focused crews on Audubon Lane to help shore up the road's shoulders under the strain of the traffic crunch.

State Rep. Tom McVea - shined a light on the bridge issue during the special legislative session, pushing DOTD to find a better bridge inspection plan.

State Sen. Neil Riser - intervened with DOTD during the process, pushing it to use the "Waskey Bridge" technology to help speed up the replacement process.

DOTD - for listening and getting the job done.

Our citizens and businesses - kept a positive frame of mind during the entire event and helped to spread the word that our parish is indeed "open for business."

I'm sure there are countless unsung heroes of the past three weeks. To you, we say "Thank You!"

It's going to be a beautiful spring in the Felicianas.

Commentary by Mike Smith
Chairman, Governmental Relations Committee
The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce

What do you think?
Email Miles at

Hometown Heroes Sign To Be Unveiled In Parker Park

Be There With Blue Star Mothers To Recognize Our Soldiers
The Blue Star Mothers of Louisiana, Chapter #3, will unveil a sign to recognize our hometown heroes on Sunday, March 9 inside Parker Park. The event begins at 3:00 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Everyone is urged to attend as show of support for our local men and women serving in the Armed Forces.

Congressional Candidate Forum Postponed

Sixth District Forum To Be Held During General Election
Scheduling conflicts brought on by the quick timeline of the Congressional Primary election has forced the postponement of the Candidate Forum. The Chamber is looking forward to hosting the Forum for our citizens and members during the general election.

Don't forget to vote on Saturday, March 8 for the Republican or Democrat candidate of your choice. But before you go to the polls, double check your voter registration. Those registered as Republicans will vote for the Republican candidates. Those registered as Democrats, along with those voters who have not declared a party affiliation, will vote in the Democrat primary.

Don't Forget To Update Your Member Profile Online!

People Are Visiting Our Site. Is Your Info Up-to-Date?

The Chamber's website has a terrific free tool to help you promote your business. But you need to do your part by visiting it today and updating your information. Inquiring minds want to know how to reach you!

And while you're there, don't forget to sign-up your business in the Business Marketplace. List your products and services for free - for all eyes to see! Even list job opportunities too.

Two more great benefits from your Chamber membership!

An American Revolution Comes To West Feliciana Parish

Chevrolet Chooses St. Francisville For National Commercial
You may notice a familiar sight on your television screen soon. Chevrolet completed filming for a new national truck commercial in St. Francisville last week. According to Community Development Fund Director Steve Jones, the commercial was filmed on private property chosen for its beauty, easy location and our film-friendly community.

Kudos to the CDF and Chevrolet for making this happen!

Chamber Welcomes New Members

Thank You For Helping Our Chamber Grow!
The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce welcomes the following new members:

Velma Alford
RTE Millworks
RRL Real Estate Appraisal
The Upper Crust Bistro