Tuesday, November 25, 2008

SFCC - 11/25/08

The Voice of West Feliciana Business

Visit Chamber of Commerce Website

The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce wishes you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

Chamber of Commerce 2009 Membership Drive
The 2009 Membership Invoices have been sent out to all businesses that were members in 2008. The chamber asks that you complete the form and send the invoice with your check before November 27th. If you are not a member, and would like to join the Chamber, please call the office at 225-635-6717, and we will send you a form. An online membership form can be found on the Chamber of Commerce, click here. We remind everyone that not only businesses can join- individuals are welcome also!

Chamber of Commerce "Business Recognition Dinner"
The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the "Business Recognition Dinner" on Thursday, January 15, 2009 at Sage Hill Reception Center at 6 pm. Tickets are $35 per person and will be available beginning December 1, 2008. For more information, please call the chamber office at 225-635-6717. MARK YOUR CALENDAR TODAY- Limited seating available.

Current Ferry Schedule
Because of low water, the St. Francisville/New Roads ferry will only run during daylight hours. Until further notice, the ferry will operate from 6:15am until 5:15pm. If the water continues to fall the ferry will have to shut down completely. Another source for up-to-date information can be found on the Chamber of Commerce website on the top left, click Ferry Status.

Christmas in the Country "White LiGHT Night"
In August the "White Linen Night" was such a big success, it will be repeated during Christmas in the Country as "WHITE LIGHT NIGHT" on Friday, December 5th from 6pm until 9pm following the the lighting of the town's Christmas Tree. This year's Christmas in the Country will be held the weekend of December 5,6, & 7th. Plan to attend this event. Come support the businesses in West Feliciana. For more information visit StFrancisvilleFestivals.com

Annual Christmas Concert
The St. Francisville Symphony Association's Annual Christmas Concert will be held at Grace Episcopal Church in St. Francisville on Friday, December 5th at 7 pm. Musicians from the Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra will be featured with Timothy Muffet conducting. There will be a reception following the concert in Jackson Hall. For tickets, please call 225-635-6397 or visit StFrancisvilleFestivals.com. Tickets will be available at the door but the concert may sell out so get your tickets early.

Tour Of Homes - Friends of WF Library
The Friends of West Feliciana Library will host the "Tour of Homes" on Sunday, December 7th during Christmas in the Country weekend. There will be 4 homes showcased for $15 per person. All proceeds benefit library projects. Call 225-635-3364 for more information or visit StFrancisvilleFestivals.com.

Relocation Packets are now Available
If you know of anyone who is moving to St. Francisville, they can call the Chamber office at 635-6717 and request a re-location packet. Information about the parish and parish facilities along with phone numbers they will need and some brochures from Chamber businesses and maps of the town and parish are enclosed in the packets.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

SFCC 11-18-08

The Voice of West Feliciana Business

The year is quickly coming to a close. The Chamber of Commerce is preparing for a new year. The 2009 Membership Drive is now in progress. Membership renewals have been sent out. The Chamber invites all businesses and individuals to join. "What can the chamber do for me" is the big question. The answer is- as much as you let us and support us. The website is a valuable advertising tool and easy to use. People who are looking for that special business that has what they need use it. Patrick Walsh with Blue Goose Media keeps it up and going and up to date. More people are familiar with the "Chamber of Commerce" for traveling, shopping, eating, contracting, and business needs than any other source of information. The Chamber newsletter informs people about what is going on in St. Francisville and West Feliciana Parish. People here at home and out of town read it weekly. The
newsletter goes out to over 650 people each week. The Chamber of Commerce office is here especially for those who don't communicate by computer. The office offers sources of information that encourages people to use chamber businesses but also gives out phone numbers and information to those who have particular needs. We have people who call the office who are relocating and want relocation packets that can help with the transition.

This past year the chamber has been very active in the community. Just to re-cap a few events, we advertise and participate with new businesses and new facility "Ribbon Cuttings". The support to the youth of the parish is important so the chamber awards three scholarships each year to students who live in the community. Funds for the scholarships is generated by another event the chamber hosts, "Swing For Scholarships" golf tournament chaired by Clay Pinson. Businesses and individuals participate in this event annually to help fund these scholarships.

2008 proved to be a very active and successful year for the chamber. The Chamber of Commerce sponsored the "Discovery Trip 2008" to Madison, MS with President Miles Higgins guiding the way. The 41 business owners, government officials, board members and interested citizens who went to "discover..decipher..design" toured a city that opened their doors for new ideas to be brought back that could be used with the "Comprehensive Plan" for our parish. The end of the year will bring an event to recognize Chamber members that work together for the parish and the town.

The chamber promises that 2009 will be more successful as businesses and individuals work together to obtain goals that will keep West Feliciana Parish an outstanding place to live and work.

The Chamber will continue working to create an environment for businesses and individuals to grow and prosper in West Feliciana. We provide leadership for the advancement of economic vitality and a strong quality of life for the community.

Chamber Regular Board Meeting Scheduled
The Chamber of Commerce regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 8AM at The St. Francisville Inn. All chamber members are invited to attend.

Chamber of Commerce 2009 Membership Drive
The 2009 Membership Invoices have been sent out to all businesses that were members in 2008. The chamber asks that you complete the form and send the invoice with your check before November 27th. If you are not a member, and would like to join the Chamber, please call the office at 225-635-6717, and we will send you a form. We remind everyone that not only businesses can join- individuals are welcome also!

Welcome New Members for 2009
The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce welcomes these new members for 2009:
The Carriage House Restaurant- Beth & Tip Pace
Farm Bureau Insurance- Amy Spillman
Live Oak Centre, LLC- Dick Lancaster
MDSA Strategic Communications- Michael Smith
V Catering- Scott & Doughty Varnedoe

The chamber invites you to support these new businesses.

NRC Meeting on "New Reactor"
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 from 6pm- 9:30pm at the West Feliciana High School Auditorium in Bains, LA about the review of the Entergy application for a combined license for the proposed River Bend Unit 3 Reactor. Any one interested is invited to attend this meeting.

Christmas in the Country "White LIGHT Night"
In August the "White Linen Night" was such a big success, it will be repeated during Christmas in the Country as "WHITE LIGHT NIGHT" on Friday, December 5th from 6pm until 9pm following the the lighting of the town's Christmas Tree. This year's Christmas in the Country will be held the weekend of December 5,6, & 7th. Plan to attend this event. Come support the businesses in West Feliciana. For More Information.

"Relay For Life" Fundraiser Hosted by WF Hospital
The West Feliciana Parish Hospital is sponsoring a Fall Festival Fundraiser for their "Relay For Life" team on Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 11am until 4pm at Parker Park.
Crafts, games, face painting, live music, spacewalks, booths and more will make this a fun day for the entire family while supporting the fight against cancer.

Friends of WFP Library Tour Of Homes
The Friends of West Feliciana Library will host the "Tour of Homes" on Sunday, December 7th during Christmas in the Country weekend. There will be 4 homes showcased for $15 per person. All proceeds benefit library projects. Call 225-635-3364 for more information or St. Francisville Festivals website.
Relocation Packets are now Available
If you know of anyone who is moving to St. Francisville, they can call the Chamber office at 635-6717 and request a re-location packet. Information about the parish and parish facilities along with phone numbers they will need and some brochures from Chamber businesses and maps of the town and parish are enclosed in the packets.

Contact Information
Linda Osterberger; Executive Secretary
phone: 635-6717

Join our mailing list!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Latest News

Current Ferry Schedule

Because of low water, the St. Francisville/New Roads ferry will only run during daylight hours. Until further notice, the ferry will operate from 6am until 6pm.

CC's Greetings

SFCC - 11/12/08


"Shop Local" for the Holidays

The Thanksgiving holidays are quickly approaching and this is the time we get "stressed". With Christmas right around the corner,this makes it even worse! Try shopping here at home- first. Take a couple of days or weekends and just go to all the businesses here in St. Francisville to find that special gift for someone on your list. The merchants in our parish apparently have "something special" in their shops and


Chamber Activities

Membership Drive

Chamber of Commerce 2009 Membership Drive

If you were a Chamber of Commerce member in 2008, you will be receiving your 2009 Membership Renewal in the mail along with a nomination form. The Chamber asks that you return both forms by November 12th. This is your chance to take part in the selection of the Board of Directors. If you are not a member of the chamber, please call the office at 225-635-6717 for an application for membership or online application.

Golf Tournament - Thank You

A Chamber "Thank You"

The Greater St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce sends out a sincere "Thank You" to all the teams, hole sponsors, helpers, The Bluffs, Mockler Beverage, Coca Cola, Demco, Heirloom Cuisine, Temple Design, Varnadoes, Sheila Porch of Entergy, the chamber board members, and especially Clay Pinson, who made the "Swing For Scholarships" a success. We will see you next year!

Area Events

"Relay for Life"

"Relay For Life" Fundraiser Hosted by WF Hospital

The West Feliciana Parish Hospital is sponsoring a Fall Festival Fundraiser for their "Relay For Life" team on Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 11am until 4pm at Parker Park.

Annual Tour of Homes

Friends of WF Library Tour Of Homes

The Friends of West Feliciana Library will host the "Tour of Homes" on Sunday, December 7th during Christmas in the Country weekend. There will be 4 homes showcased for $15 per person. All proceeds benefit library projects. Call 225-635-3364 for more information or visit StFrancisvilleFestivals.com.

White Light Night

Christmas in the Country "White Light Night

In August the "White Linen Night" was such a big success, it will be repeated during Christmas in the Country as "WHITE LIGHT NIGHT" on Friday, December 5th from 6pm until 9pm following the the lighting of the town's Christmas Tree. This year's Christmas in the Country will be held the weekend of December 5,6, & 7th. Plan to attend this event. Come support the businesses in West Feliciana. More information visit StFrancisvilleFestivals.com.

Chamber Features

Multiple Newsletters?

Are you receiving multiple Chamber newsletters? Please let us know. We are updating the subscribers lists. If you would call the office or email usThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it we will correct the problem. We appreciate your help.

Information for new Residents

Relocation Packets are now Available

If you know of anyone who is moving to St. Francisville, they can call the Chamber office at 635-6717 and request a re-location packet. Information about the parish and parish facilities along with phone numbers they will need and some brochures from Chamber businesses and maps of the town and parish are enclosed in the packets.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

SfCC - 11/03/08

The Voice of West Feliciana Business

Swing For Scholarships Entries Extended to Tuesday

The Chamber's Swing For Scholarships entries have been extended to tomorrow, Tuesday, November 4th. You don't want to miss this event! Call the office at 225-635-6717 for more information and an entry form. CALL NOW!!! The tournament is at The Bluffs on November 10th. Online Application

Chamber of Commerce 2009 Membership Drive

If you were a Chamber of Commerce member in 2008, you will be receiving your 2009 Membership Renewal in the mail along with a nomination form. The Chamber asks that you return both forms by November 12th. This is your chance to take part in the selection of the Board of Directors. If you are not a member of the chamber, please call the office at 225-635-6717 for an application for membership or online application.

Christmas in the Country "White Linen Night"

In August the "White Linen Night" was such a big success, it will be repeated during Christmas in the Country on Friday, December 5th from 6pm until 9pm following the the lighting of the town's Christmas Tree. This year's Christmas in the Country will be held the weekend of December 5,6, & 7th. Plan to attend this event. Come support the businesses in West Feliciana. More information visit StFrancisvilleFestivals.com.

Friends of WF Library Tour Of Homes

The Friends of West Feliciana Library will host the "Tour of Homes" on Sunday, December 7th during Christmas in the Country weekend. There will be 4 homes showcased for $15 per person. All proceeds benefit library projects. Call 225-635-3364 for more information or visit StFrancisvilleFestivals.com.

Farewell to General Robert H. Barrow

27th Commandant of the Marine Corps (1979-1983)

The Chamber of Commerce wishes to express our deepest condolences to the family of General Barrow who deceased on October 30, 2008. Our community was graced with the residence of a highly decorated veteran of the Marine Corps. Thank you for your dedicated service to our country.

wikipedia - History

Obituaries- Washington Post

Relocation Packets are now Available

If you know of anyone who is moving to St. Francisville, they can call the Chamber office at 635-6717 and request a re-location packet. Information about the parish and parish facilities along with phone numbers they will need and some brochures from Chamber businesses and maps of the town and parish are enclosed in the packets.

Contact Information
Linda Osterberger; Executive Secretary
phone: 635-6717